Bread Sauce for Turkey

Bread Sauce for Turkey

Every Christmas table need a roast turkey with a delicious bread sauce.  It is very popular in the United States at Thanksgiving celebrations. You can serve the turkey with a cranberry sauce as well. In South-Africa we also make roast turkey for Christmas, or sometimes roast lamb or roast chicken.  We also like having trifle as dessert on our Christmas table and the table normally consist of a buffet selection, either from starter to dessert or if not, then at least the main courses. Turkey with this delicious bread sauce is really something special, and must be made for a special occasion. Save this recipe now for the upcoming Thanksgiving meal in November month. 

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Serves: 8 Prep time: 10 Minutes Cook time: 25 Minutes Ready in: 35 Minutes

Nutrition: Calories 355 Carbs: 61.5g Protein: 12.9g Fat: 6.4g

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1 onion, peeled
4 cloves
600 ml milk
115 g white bread crumbs
55 g butter
salt and pepper to taste
Stud the onion with the cloves, then place in a saucepan with the milk, breadcrumbs and butter.
Bring to the boiling point over low heat, remove from the heat and leave to stand in a warm place to infuse.
Just before serving, remove the onion and cloves and reheat the sauce gently, beating well with your wooden spoon.
Season with salt and pepper .
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