Crepe Pancakes

Crepe Pancakes

Crepe pancakes, originally from the beautiful France are a delicious food item, with various ways to use them. You get sweet crepes, such as Crépe Suzette for dessert and savoury crépes such as Chicken mushroom pancake you can serve at lunch time. This lovely recipe come a long with me, and it is a very trusty recipe I discovered early in my chef days. It never let me down. There is an old saying that the first two pancakes always flop, but not in this case! I use this recipe for the chili con carne as well. We make quite a few savoury filling pancakes with this delicious crépe recipe, all equally delicious.

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Serves: 12 Prep time: 5 Minutes Cook time: 25 Minutes Ready in: 30 Minutes

Nutrition: Calories 100.9 Carbs: 14.4g Protein: 5.5g Fat: 2.1g

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220 g flour
4 eggs
150 ml water
400 ml milk
pinch of salt
Place the flour and the salt in a large mixing bowl.
In a jug, mix together the eggs, water and milk, whisking it well.
Start pouring the eggs mixture to the flour mixture slowly, whisking well while slowly adding the rest.
Whisk well to ensure there form no lumps.
Add a little more milk if the mixture is too thick, it should be easy to whisk.
Heat the pancake pan over low to moderate heat, Spray the pan with spray and cook(some people use oil to fry their pancakes in, but I personally prefer spraying).
Lade some batter into the pan, tilting the pan to move the mixture around to cover the bottom of the pan equally.
Quickly pour the excess batter back to into the mixing bowl and return the pan to the heat.
Leave to cook for about 30 seconds.
After this time the pancake should be golden brown and ready to turn if the temperate is right.
Hold the pan by the handle, and gently ease a palette knife under the pancake and flip it over.
Make sure the pancake is lying flat against the bottom of the pan again with no folds.
Cook for another 30 seconds.
Continue with the rest of the batter .
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