Summer Fruit Terrine

Summer Fruit Terrine

A summer fruit terrine is such a wonderful dessert idea for the hot weather days. It is quick and easy to make, with very little preparation time. It is a beautiful idea to serve during the festive Christmas season, with all the beautiful berries giving it the pink/red idea of Christmas time. As a fan of berries myself, a summer fruit terrine is a very good idea, you can of course use other fruits as well to make summer fruit terrine. With so many different fruits available one can truly make a beautiful terrine. Be careful not to use: kiwi fruits, figs, guavas, papayas and pineapple as it contains enzymes which will prevent the terrine from setting. You will be very disappointed sitting with a terrine which refuses to set! If you would like to try something different from the apple juice or white grape juice, Rosé wine will also work well. This dessert can be made a few days in advance just like the white chocolate and nougat semifreddo, or it can be kept a few days after it was made. Also be careful when removing it from the tin, you have to work careful and be patient. When serving, you can slice them or serve it as a whole on the serving dish with lovely mint sprigs. 

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Serves: 6 Prep time: 20 Minutes Cook time: 0 Minutes Ready in: 20 Minutes

Nutrition: Calories 124 Carbs: 39g Protein: 1.5g Fat: 0.5g

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2 bananas, thinly sliced
120 g blueberries
120 g strawberries
120 g raspberries
120 g black currents or mulberries(any fruit except kiwi’s, guava, figs or pineapple or papaya- it contains enzymes which will prevent the terrine to set)
500 ml apple juice or white grape juice
3-4 Tablespoons sugar
30 ml gelatine powder
60 ml water
Line a 220 x 120 mm bread pan with cling film and arrange the fruit in layers.
Pour the water in a small bowl, sprinkle the gelatine over the water and leave to sponge for about 5 minutes.
Melt the gelatine for about 30 seconds in the microwave on the defrost option(no lumps must be visible, give it a good stir).
Heat the juice and the sugar together and add the gelatine mixture.
Let the gelatine mixture dissolve by whisking it well.
Pour the warm gelatine mixture over the fruit.
All the fruit must be covered with the liquid.
If the fruit rise a bit to the top, gently push them down with your finger tips.
Cover with plastic wrap and set aside in the fridge for 4-5 hours until firm.
When serving, remove the top cling film, dip the mould in a bowl of hot water to loosen the sides of the terrine.
Turn it out on the plate you would like to serve it on.
Delicious with a dollop of fresh whipped cream or crème fraîche.
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